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Watch & Listen


Lingohack - BBC

Get up-to-date with the latest news and understand it too with Lingohack. Listen to and watch authentic BBC World news bulletins and learn key words and phrases that help you make sense of the news.

LEVEL: intermediate (B1)


ESL Video

4-minute-long videos with comprehension exercises. Topics: Jumanji 2, Friends Season 1, Storyboard lessons, etc. Useful webpage.

LEVEL: A1 to C1


Britain is GREAT - British Council

Videos about many aspects of British life and culture, including art, history, sport and music. You will improve your listening comprehension and develop your vocabulary. Each video has a transcript and interactive exercises.

LEVEL: upper intermediate (B2) & advanced (C1)


Word on the street - British Council

Do you want to improve your grammar and learn about the UK and its culture? Each video has a transcript and interactive exercises to help you understand and use the language.

LEVEL: intermediate (B1) & upper intermediate (B2)


Shakespeare - British Council

Do you know why Shakespeare's plays are still so popular today? Listen to actors talking about the modern relevance of Shakespeare and find out about some of his most famous characters and plays.

LEVEL: upper intermediate (B2)

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Listening - British Council

This webpage offers different levels (A1 to C1) with audio texts accompanied by an introduction and task 1/2. You will also find the transcript in case you miss some words and a downloadable worksheet.

LEVEL: intermediate (B1), upper intermediate (B2) & advanced (C1)


ABC News

Updated news with videos and explanatory texts that make it easy to understand the videos.


LEVEL: A1 to C1

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